Workshop Austin, TX Oct. 14-24, 2024: Merging a Possible with the Impossible

Deborah will teach a 2-week workshop October 14-18 and 20-24, 2024 at The American Legion - Charles Johnson House, in Austin, TX. Applications open May 21 through August 12, 2024 or until filled. Space is limited.

- My practice of performance is almost as impossible as not wanting to grasp it.  

- Experimenting with tools for accessing this bodily paradox is how we will move together.  

- A minimal choreographic structure will gradually be introduced in order to challenge any lingering assumptions about trying to get it.  - Deborah Hay, July 12, 2024


October 14 -24, 2024; 11 am - 5 pm

*Saturday, October 19 off


Austin, TX




Applications are open until August 12th, 2024 or until filled.

Artists will be notified of acceptance by August 14th, 2024 of acceptance.


Participants are responsible for their own travel and housing. The Theorists will provide letters of support to aid in grant applications to help subsidize fees. In addition, we will try to accommodate artists in need with local hosts and suggested sublets. If you are in need of housing or know of housing opportunities, please write Amy Morrow (


Amy Morrow