
May 23, 2024: Updates for the DHDC

It has been a busy and productive 2024 for the Deborah Hay Dance Company. Much of this work and development has taken place in Austin. 

Hay’s Trio Project is almost completed. 3 out of 4 trios, each with 3 unique casts, have learned 3 different trios adapted from a solo from the Solo Performance Commissioning Project that ran from 1998 – 2012.  

The trio, Byproduct of Friction is an adaption of the solo The Other Side of O, (1998), choreographed for the first Solo Performance Commissioning Project at Whidbey Island Center for the Arts, Langley, WA. Hay taught and coached dancers Karl Jay-Lewin, Janne-Camilla Lystet, and Christopher Roman at a studio in Austin, TX, October 2 – 13, 2023.

Without Fanfare, the second trio, is an adaption of News, (2006), choreographed for the Solo Performance Commissioning Project in 2006 at the former Findhorn Community Foundation, Findhorn, Scotland. Dancers Amelia Heintzelman, Julie Mayo, and Teddy Tedholm learned and were coached by Hay in Austin, TX, January 22 - February 3, 2024.

The third trio, Dancing, is an adaption of the solo I’ll Crane for You, (2008), choreographed for the Solo Performance Commissioning Project in 2008 at the former Findhorn Community Foundation, Findhorn, Scotland. Hay taught and coached dancers Ingrid Haakstad, Geir Hytten, and Gry Kipperberg, from April 22-May 3, 2024, in Austin, TX.

The final trio, Short-sighted, is an adaption of the solo I think Not, choreographed for the Solo Performance Commissioning Project in 2011 at the former Findhorn Community Foundation, Findhorn, Scotland. Hay will be teaching and coaching dancers Jeanine Durning, Scott Heron, and Ros Warby from August 19 – August 30, 2024, at Bennington College, Bennington, VT.

As a result of the 2004 February Evenings with Deborah Hay, we hope to set in motion a Performance Club that will begin October 2024 and run through March 2025.  Hay decided to use the February Evenings experience as a template for the greater community. A description follows.

WHAT IS IT? The Performance Club is an imagined library in which everyone quietly engages in one’s own research for 45 minutes following a pre-scheduled 15-minute work-in-process by a single artist. The entire evening runs for exactly one hour.

Sign up: Up to 50 individuals sign up to become Performance Club members for 6-months. The Performance Club will take place the first and third week of each month, October 2024 through March 2025. 1 performer signs up for either the first or third 5-day week/month. Performers will be determined on a first come first serve basis. 


Please sign-up for membership via this online form:


Please sign-up to perform via this online form.

Finances: Enjoy exclusive membership benefits with a one-time payment of $50.00 to cover administration (just $8.33 a month).

Each individual performer will have the opportunity to share a work-in-process, limited to 15-minutes for 5 consecutive nights. During the remaining 45 minutes, what feels relevant, or not, and possibly inspired by the 15-minute study, everyone present is invited to generously attend to one’s own interests without imposing one’s interest onto anyone else. Each night’s event is precisely one hour.

All Performance Club members are invited to attend one or more or all of an artist’s 5-night / 15-minute showing. Members may invite a friend who may otherwise not be exposed to this opportunity. 

Each artist is responsible for securing the location for the five consecutive evenings. Members who attend are invited to help cover the cost of studio rental. 


Getty Center Oct. 5-6, 2024

Hay was commissioned by the Getty Center to re-create her 1966 work solo, for their landmark regional event that explores the intersections of art and technology, both past and present. Her adaptation of solo, re-titled solo two, will be performed Saturday and Sunday, October 5 - 6, 2024, at 4:00 PM PST, at The Getty Center, Los Angeles, CA.

Originally, solo, with 25 performers, was choreographed in collaboration with engineers at Bell Laboratories as part of Billy Kluver and Robert Rauschenberg’s project, Experiments in Art and Technology. The dance was performed on Oct 13 and 23, 2006, at the 69th Regiment Armory in NYC as part of Nine Evenings: Theater and Engineering. Works by artists John Cage, Lucinda Childs, Öyvind Fahlström, Alex Hay, Steve Paxton, Yvonne Rainer, Robert Rauschenberg, David Tudor, and Robert Whitman were also presented. 

Workshop Austin, TX Oct. 14-24, 2024

Deborah will teach a 2-week workshop October 14-18 and 20-24, 2024 at The

American Legion - Charles Johnson House, in Austin, TX. Applications open May 21 through August 1, 2024 or until filled. Space is limited. Some people have already applied and been accepted. To apply contact Amy Morrow at  by August 1.

Talk and Performance, Hartford, CT, Nov. 14, 2024

Thursday November 14, 2024 "The Emily Hall Tremaine Lecture in Contemporary Art with Deborah Hay" will be presented at the Hartford Atheneum Museum of Art, in Hartford, CT. It will include a talk and solo performance by Hay.